Yesterday, January 26, 2010, hereby goes far as my best day to date. Why? Well I'll tell you. The only thing that could have made it better was chicken (Ha, snuck it in!)
I woke up, groggy. This is obviously not where the good day started. Well, in a way, it was. The night before I had been spilling my guts to this girl, and we'd come out of it as friends. And I'm perfectly content with that, a lot better than nothing. So I had like no stress upon waking up, aside from the waking up part.
Then I get to school. And I have a ton of people to talk to. Vaguely boring, everyone else seemed depressed. Something about not being able to make out with a girlfriend and someone else not getting to spend a weekend with a boyfriend... I learn not to snap at people when they talk about their relationships and how they have it so tough...
Anyway, maybe everyone else's depression fueled my happiness. Yesterday was a day of pretty much coasting and listening to other people's depression. The girl I mentioned in the second paragraph was having trouble with a friend, another friend of mine is having trouble averting some bad rumors about the recent Formal. Meh, I couldn't care less really, I didn't go. Because, y'know, I'm a single nerd, so that night was spent on guitar.
Anyhoo, lunch rolled around. Deli sandwich or Beefaroni... Um, no. But they had mashed potatoes! So I got a full tray of mashed potatoes at the cost of a normal meal, which was like amazing to me. So I eat that, get a couple people to fall for a crude prank, and happily eat my mashed potatoes.
A girl that was stalking my friend texts me. "I feel sick."
"I'm sorry." I reply, continuing on my merry romp of merriment. I go into Scholar's Bowl class. No work. But some guy got really ticked of and stormed out of the classroom. He was depressed about something. Meh, I don't really care. I finish my day and head home.
"We're going out to dinner tonight."
"Where at?"
"Did you get some money?"
"I never said that."
He got some money. And in turn I did. Enough to throw out my crashy, piece-of-crap computer for a new Dell. And we go out to eat. And who takes us to our seat? Well it's Paragraph Two Girl's friend who she was having trouble with. Awkward if there ever was one. Except she seemed happy. I only later found out they had already made up. Women.
And I eat a delicious hamburger and return home, where I promptly go to bed and use my surprisingly-uncrashy computer. I spend the rest of the night talking to Paragraph Two Girl, completely forgetting about her current boyfriend... Until right now. Oh well, time heals all wounds I suppose.
And I go to sleep and wake up refreshed this morning. It was an absolutely great day. Too bad everyone else's day was completely crap. I don't wanna say that's the reason it was good... But maybe it's just a form of karma? What good have I done to deserve it? Maybe for one day I decided to make lemonade out of lemons... Looking back up there there's quite a bit I could complain about but ignored.
Still, maybe it's a sign of things looking up.