Friday, January 29, 2010

Anticipating Perfect Dark: XBLA

Ah, Perfect Dark; is there any hope of you ever making it to XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade)? "This winter" they say... It's obvious by their Twitter that it's already playable! But some argue that they don't want it to clash with any big-name releases... Let's look at last week's XBLA releases, shall we?
KrissX for 800 points, which is a word-friggin-puzzle game

And next week we have Chime, which is a rip-off of Tetris and Lumines.

And yes, I see Chime being fairly fun, but it's 400 points. If Perfect Dark is going to be 1200 points (which most people have guessed), purchase of one would actually boost sales of the other, considering MS point cards come in intervals of 1600 and 4000. And being non-profit, it'll all go to charity anyway. Why not release it this week? Think of the children!

So what is holding back Perfect Dark: XBLA? I haven't the foggiest. But RARE will hopefully get it out before a tantalizingly-awesome Deal of the Week comes around. Luckily I already have Splosion Man and Portal, or a guaruntee the 1600 points I have would be gone.

Traditionally in the UK, Winter ends on February 1st or 2nd. But good ol' RARE, they'll surely stretch it until the official ending of Winter on the 21st of March, leaving March 17th as the last available Wednesday to release on. That leaves up to 8 unnanounced Deals of the Week between now and PDXBLA's release. Make your time, RARE, you're alienating the fanbase by having no release date after all this time.

Oh who am I kidding? You show us renders like this, I think we'd follow you til next winter.

If you're going to wait that long though, a facemapper would be nice. Preferably without requiring that Vision camera.

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